mavericks salary model

Mavericks Salary Model Breakdown

The salary model is what sets Mavericks apart from mainstream software consultancies. It has raised questions, concerns, worries and doubts, so let’s unravel the whole salary model.

70% of the invoicing generated by the consultant is used to pay the consultant’s salary. When we exclude holidays and personnel expenses, the rest is paid as salary. For example, let’s set the Mavericks compensation calculator to 158h for billable hours per month, and 1200Nok for the hourly rate. Both, by the way, are fully achievable readings. The calculation will look like this:

Monthly invoicing 189,600
Mavericks’ share 56,880
Consultant’s share 132.720

Side expenses 17,601
Holiday pay 11,603
Pension 6,769

Gross salary 96 696

The 96 696Nok would be the monthly salary when there are no absences. The gross salary to be paid is 51% of the consultant’s invoicing. The holiday and sick leave periods are paid according to accrued earnings of last annum. Roughly speaking, if you invoice an average of 96 696€ / month when you are fully employed, you will receive the same salary when you are ill and even more when on holiday. This means that short sick leaves or annual holidays do not reduce one’s income but in practice income behaves the same way as when raising a fixed monthly salary.

Mavericks’ business model also allows paying various revenue based bonuses. The “company’s” share is 30%, which is spent for paying outsourced administrative services, occupational health services, tools and other purchased services. Sales and recruitment commissions are also paid from that 30%. This simply means that when a consultant sells a gig to themselves or another Mavericks consultant, they are the seller and is then entitled to a sales commission for the gig.


Mavericks is the go-to software consultancy for the top of their field software professionals who want to get the best of two worlds: The salary level and freedom of a freelancer and the safety net and sales machinery of a consultancy. We are constantly looking for new team members – are you the next Maverick?