
The faces of Mavericks: Ameer Hamza Qureshi

Meet Hamza, a Digital Product Designer, who started off as an architect and graphical designer and is now an experienced UX/UI Designer with a passion for great design. He has worked with several big and small projects and the path eventually took Hamza to Mavericks. Here he fell for the salary model, interesting projects and the feeling of being a freelancer while being an employee. 

What is your professional background like?

I have worked as a digital designer for over 9 years now, but my university background is actually with architecture. During the years at university I was drawn to how we experience space and how architecture and design affect us. After graduating and having had a few internships I realized that this wasn’t the profession for me, and it was then I discovered graphical design. I started learning about color theory, typography and how to create great designs. I found that it came natural to me and that I had a talent for it. 

After a few years as a freelance graphic designer I started learning more about UX and UI. I saw that the world of UX/UI design was a place where architecture, computer and design met and that’s what drew me to it. I started taking a class and experimented with design and I got my first job where I was responsible for interaction and visual design.

During my years in the business I have become well-versed in the whole product development life-cycle, and have had projects ranging from B2B, Complex SAAS, and general planet-scale B2C products. I love working with problem solving and being an ambassador for the user’s.

What are your best skills and abilities? Soft and tech.

As a designer it’s important to be up to date on current and trending tools. I therefore think one of my strongest skills is that I’m good at adapting to different situations and understanding how intricate design translates into different components. I would also highlight Grid and having consistency as a strong skill for me.

When it comes to soft skills I would say I’m a people person and a good teammate. I love working with people with different backgrounds because when you work with people that have different perspectives – that’s where you get the really great solutions!

What do you like to do outside work?

Outside of work I love exploring new hobbies in addition to spending time with family and friends. I love being in the kitchen working on new recipes or recreating the best ones, and I’m a pretty good baker if I do say so myself. I’m also drawn to everything creative, like drawing, painting, making short films and dabbling in 3D art. I learned a lot of my drawing skills during my time at university and try to find time to do that during my spare time. 

What got you interested in Mavericks?

There were several things that drew me to Maverick. Most important is their developer-first approach where I can choose between existing projects and doing what I love like I would as a freelancer, but still having the security of being an employee. I want to continue developing myself and building my own brand but aren’t interested in chasing projects, and Mavericks helps me with that.